Zeph – Skater Trouble


There are times when a new guy is introduced to the House, and the manager can’t wait for the guy to get into trouble. Mostly a full fuck is reserved for later, unless the guy looks like a real troublemaker. In the case of this eighteen-year-old, it was easy to get his – cooperation. Because? Well, he’s new to all of this, he’s just become an adult, and he doesn’t seem to have many brain cells left. He’s already done a lot of bad things in his life.

Not beyond hope, mind you, but he doesn’t seem to be making the best decisions lately. He kind of got the concept that it will definitely get better with the friendship and guidance of the managers at Casa. To push the point, I grabbed my hard cock and pulled it out of my pants. Now, this is a language that everyone can speak, especially this pipsqueak. He took it real quick, and soon his hand was stroking my cock.

Things progressed quickly after that. This teenager’s bags weren’t even unpacked and he was learning to deep throat. He’s straight, but it looks like he’s either watched a lot of porn, or has some experience with a dick in his mouth.

What he doesn’t have is experience making his tiny hole stretched out like plastic wrap in a casserole. I was excited to get into his boy pussy, but I knew it would take a bit of work. Sure enough, once he calmed down a bit, I let go of his hole and started heading to town. At first I had sex with him in the back. He really did very well.

I think he might be one of the residents when I need to get a nut. At the same time, he was uncomfortable enough that I knew he wouldn’t be breaking too many rules going forward. After a few rides – which I must say he made a lot of effort, I noticed that his ass was sore.

Even though he had turned away, and I was enjoying those small buttocks of his framing my cock, I decided to give him a break. I could have fucked him all afternoon though. Since he’s such an excellent son of a bitch, I made him break up with me, which he did very well. He took all my ball into his mouth like a good boy too. This rookie will have no problems, I assure you.

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