Leo Felipo & Everton Mapeli – Another Newcomer – Meninos Online


In the gay porn video Another Newbie from Meninos Online. We already started with Fabio Ferraz interviewing rookie Everton Mapeli who is from Espirito Santo. After the presentations, Everton finds out who he’s going to record with and Leo Felipe appears only wearing a towel and Fabio shows Leo’s work tool, which is delicious. Andre starts sucking Leo’s dick with Fabio, but Fabio backs off and lets Leo do what he does best, which is break an ass. Leo said he would never do it without a condom but it seems that things have changed right, this is already his third bareback scene. The only thing I find annoying about these passives is that they don’t moan, it seems like it could be the biggest dick in the world for them and it’s normal, we like to see these kids moaning taking rolls.

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