Tiktokers Jorge Izquierdo


Jorge Izquierdo’s Pack: the TikTok influencer who caused controversy on Twitter

Jorge Izquierdo is a tiktoker with more than 875 thousand followers on this platform on his account @jorgeizquierdoooo. However, not everything has been success and fun, on January 26, 2024, a video of Jorge Izquierdo was leaked on Twitter. The video, which lasted approximately less than a minute, quickly went viral and generated great controversy among internet users.

The influencer’s material was not leaked or was it revenge from an ex-partner, but the same tiktoker before being famous, he uploaded his material to Twitter and now that he has a large number of followers he tries to make people believe that they were uploaded by a third person, but thanks to the tiktoker we can now see another of the penises of famous people, the influencer who is taking advantage of the controversy of the Millos999 pack to try to attract more followers, so we introduce you to the tiktoker José Izquierdo naked.

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