Tantric Fitness & Edison Garett #Part 1


Tell Me How You Like It Part 1 – Tantric Fitness, Edison Garett

The fastest way to sexual satisfaction is good communication. Just a few minutes of sharing about desires and preferences can have a huge and positive impact on chemistry and compatibility. From our conversation, you can see that I could easily have gotten involved in a prank that Edison wasn’t comfortable with if we hadn’t talked first. Most people will just tolerate mild (and sometimes greater) discomfort during sex without saying anything because they don’t want to spoil the mood. Create an open, supportive and non-judgmental sharing environment and you will be thrilled with the result.

When we share, connect and when we show through our intimacy that WE HEAR and LEARN, the level of trust increases and the intimacy becomes deeper and deeper… even if it is a one-time bond. My scene partner is @edisongarett. I’m really looking forward to working with him, mainly because he’s so authentic in his expression of delight. It’s so exciting when our partner breathes, makes sounds and undulates their bodies in response to his touches. Be that kind of receiver to your partners, they will reward you with more passion and enthusiasm. We are programmed to procreate when we are in the presence of authentic expressions of pleasure.

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