Reece Scott & Kyle Steele – Check Out


Reece Scott & Kyle Steele – Check Out

My divorce was necessary and best for everyone involved, but the fact that my wife had completely alienated me from my son sent me into a tailspin. In fact, it was much worse than I had imagined. It wasn’t until he moved in with me that I opened my eyes and realized how I had been living, and I didn’t like what I saw.

Then, the first night my son was there, he ended up giving me a blowjob. I still don’t know exactly how it happened. Or why I let it happen! But it did, and I did, and I haven’t regretted it for a moment. Just as I couldn’t imagine having sex with Hunter before we started, it would have been even harder to imagine what a wonderful relationship would come out of it. It’s been so good for both of us that I don’t know what kind of relationship we would have had without it.

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