Nicholas Ryder and Caden Dior – Packing Meat in Your Cavity


Packing Meat in Your Cavity – Nicholas Ryder, Caden Dior

Caden thinks he can play dumb and get away with shoplifting, but Officer Ryder is on to him. He has footage of the young man stealing from the store and is going to make him pay in the most unpleasant way possible. Caden claims it’s all a big misunderstanding, but the cameras don’t lie and the security guard is threatening to get the police involved. To make matters worse, Officer Nicholas’s style of dealing with criminals can be aggressive: he prefers to frisk shoplifters and inspect their perverted holes if necessary, all to assert his authority. But it’s all part of his plan, because he knows Caden is now scared as hell and would do anything to put this incident in the past. With this idea in mind, Nicholas makes him an offer he can’t refuse, and Caden will have to take it like a man.

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