Mason Frost – A Couch To Sleep On


This young man needed a place to lay his head, but he actually got the shorter end of the stick. In return, the house manager turns him into his little whore for the duration of his stay. It is quite common to catch bums. They have money, so we accept them as long as they attend meetings and follow the rules. They are not immune, however, to our excited people. And this guy picked the wrong manager to make a bargain!

After some cock-sucking, things quickly get a little difficult, and the manager spits on the poor villager, and in his mouth. Well, the look of sadness on his face is priceless, but what is priceless is seeing the manager’s belt around the resident’s neck. Now tied up, the young man sucks some more cock and then has his hole ravaged. All the while, he deals with the humiliation he’s probably used to. If he wasn’t, he’ll get used to it after his stay for sure!

The manager fucks him good, and then he comes in her blown-up boy pussy. The resident obeys and sticks his fingers into his freshly fucked hole, then slowly lifts his fingers to his mouth and sucks out all the cum and ass juice. Well, at least he has a couch to sleep on.

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