Marcus Ryan and Lance Charger


Second Anointing – Marcus Ryan, Lance Charger

Marcus always takes a deep breath to calm his nerves before entering one of the formal rooms. He’s never quite sure what or who to expect inside. When he saw Grandmaster Savage in his pure white suit standing in front of the ceremonial table, his heart began to beat very fast. Marcus had had very little dealings with Savage and didn’t know how to act around him, but when he was ordered, rather abruptly and aggressively, to sit at the altar, he began to feel anxious.

Savage began to undress almost immediately. There was something almost clinical about the way he went about his business, but when he knelt down to gently rub ceremonial oils on Marcus’ feet, the power dynamic shifted considerably.

Marcus liked the feeling of being anointed. I loved the feel of the Grand Master’s slippery hands gliding seductively over the soles of his feet. It tickled a little, but it was also comforting and arousing… And if there’s one thing Marcus learned during his time with the Sisterhood, it’s that he should never be ashamed of sexual arousal.

Savage then instructed Marcus to get down on all fours on the altar before hitting him with his oiled fingers, with great precision, in several significant places on the body; temples, ears, eyes, nose, mouth…

The boy was soon undressed so that his torso could be massaged. He was surprised that the hot oils made him shiver. He couldn’t tell if he was shaking with fear or excitement. He concluded that it was the last.

There was something deeply seductive about Grandmaster Savage. He had eyes so penetrating, they probed into Marcus’ soul, seemingly knowing everything about him without needing to be asked.

Savage moved from front to back of Marcus, systematically covering every part of the boy’s soft body with the musk-scented oils. Savage turned his attention to Marcus’ buttocks, which he began biting erotically. Marcus’ body was his. Savage soon put his tongue inside the boy’s shy body, then several fingers, using huge jets of saliva to lubricate him and get him ready for action.

Marcus shuddered as he felt the Grand Master climbing the altar behind him. Savage was still in her panties, but they were made of a sheer fabric, so when he thrust his erect cock between Marcus’ buttocks, the boy could feel the stickiness of the Grandmaster’s pre-cum oozing out.

Savage slowly pushed his underwear down before spraying large amounts of oil into the boy’s hole. Long strands of pre-cum dripped uncontrollably from the Grandmaster’s over-excited cock as he began to line up with his target.

The Grandmaster slowly sank his big cock into Marcus’ oily ass and within seconds he was slamming into him at full speed, his rock hard cock slamming deep into the moaning, well-trained boy. Savage threw the apprentice onto his back and continued the attack. He was horny. The boy had turned him on and he needed to shoot as fast as possible.

He pulled out and blasted an unnaturally large, thick charge, which spread across Marcus’ torso, branding him with the Grandmaster’s special juices.

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