Lance Golding Gets Some Bat Handling Tips From Coach Jeremy Barker


Lance Golding Gets Some Bat Handling Tips From Coach Jeremy Barker

After a long day of practice on the diamond, Lance is sweaty and in dire need of a shower. His trainer, Jeremy Barker, suggested they go back to his house to review some footage as well. Lance jumps in the shower to clean himself up while his handler prepares the shoot, but things quickly change. After realizing he forgot to ask for a towel, Lance goes outside to ask. As he opened the bathroom door, he caught a glimpse of Jeremy’s change and stopped in his tracks. Lance has had a coaching fantasy his entire life, and suddenly it might be happening right in front of him.

Lance watches for a while before working up the courage to ask for the towel and he could have sworn Coach Jeremy already knew he was watching! Jeremy hands him the towel, still in his underwear, and Lance could already feel the hormones raging inside. As soon as the door was closed, Lance pulled out his raging hard-on and started stroking it. Lost in his fantasy, Lance doesn’t hear Jeremy approaching and suddenly the door opens! Coach J seems pleasantly surprised by what he finds and suggests heading out for some tips from the man himself! So Lance’s fantasy is coming to life as he and his trainer stroke their cocks together, side by side.

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