Koby Lewis & Portus – Daytime Bb Dick In The Park


Daytime Bb Dick In The Park – Koby Lewis & Portus

After our meeting at work that led to some of the hottest sex I’ve seen in a while, I thought I’d show Koby the local park and give him a little tour of where I like to go between jobs to shoot my Spunk. deep into as many anonymous sperm dumps as possible and I know that Portus is one of them. So I put the phone on the bush press register and let out a nice long stream ready for Portus to come in and be used by both of us, BUT only after I set him the easy challenge of bringing us at least one new charge in his hole for both of us to use as our lube! It didn’t take long, just 5 minutes, until he came back with a huge smile on his face, knowing how excited I get that this can make me stick my load in an already loaded hole in minutes….

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