Jax Thirio and JJ Rome – Concept: Butt Virgins


Concept: Butt Virgins – Jax Thirio & JJ Rome

Hey SayUncle fans! We have a new lab experiment to share with you. We know how much you love new concepts, and we’re always eager to hear what you have to say. Keep feeding us your comments and ideas! This time around, we’ve teamed up the experienced Jax with the talented newcomer JJ. The concept? Jax starting eager hot beginners across the country! The hot stud is constantly getting messages from guys who fantasize about having their first time with him, so Jax is happy to help! This time, it’s gorgeous Latin boy JJ, who is super nervous about losing his virginity, so he wants someone who really understands how to pop a boy’s cherry. Jax is just perfect for the job as he knows how to turn an innocent upstart into a sex-fuelled ass begging for more cock! Watch this amazing pairing and let us know your thoughts.

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