Jared, Rocky and Dylan


It sure says a lot about how far Dylan has come since we met him on CF a few years ago to his appearance in this episode now! Dylan went from not really being interested in expensive/expensive action and essentially disappearing from CF for over a year to being here now as one of our most popular guys (of all time!), being engaged by two hanging tops! Dylan simply amazes us every new time we see him, and this hot episode here is going to take him to all new extremes – it’s more than intense! Of course, having Rocky and Jared be the ones to team up with Dylan definitely helps add to the intensity of this one. Both guys were thrilled at the opportunity to work with Dylan, they both clearly find Dylan as hot as the rest of us do, and they both never fail to impress with their bedroom skills. And courtesy of Rocky and Jared here, Dylan definitely gets a fillin.


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