Enzo Lemercier & Luke Allen – US Road Dick Episode 1


FrenchTwinks – US Road Dick Episode 1 – Enzo Lemercier & Luke Allen

On board of an extravagant red jeep, Paul Delay, Enzo Lemercier, Chris Loan and Doryann Marguet begin their American Road Trip, on the legendary Route 66. Our four French people are very excited and drive at a fast pace to go from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. , but when Chris decides to test the performance of the 4×4 on the dunes, the journey quickly turns into a nightmare. The boys are lost in the middle of the Californian desert, without any services and far from civilization. Night begins to fall, and as Paul, Chris, Doryann, and Enzo wander through the desert, they see a house nestled in the dunes and hope to find help. Will the friendship between the four boys survive a trip to Sin City? Will Americans be welcoming to these foreigners? Is sex really the cement of a couple? Discover without delay, this first episode of US Road Dick and do not miss the next episodes.

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