Dex Devall Cumdump #1


Dex Devall Cumdump #1 – Devin Franco, Andrew Delta, Milo Miles, Eddie Patrick, Dylan Hayes, Sean Xavier, T.D. Graham

Dex Devall arrived at the sex party and promptly sat down on the couch. He wore baggy sweatpants, but that was about it. He spotted seven guys, but expected there to be more as the night progressed. Seven potential charges wouldn’t be enough for someone like Dex.

He was crazy with lust and wouldn’t be satisfied until the couch cushions were soaked with spunk. Then a handsome son of a bitch showed up, got down on his knees, and ripped off Dex’s pants.

He turned around and grabbed the back of the sofa. A bunch of hot young men and jocks had gotten together and were robbing the kid – one of the guys even said something about not going easy on him. Okay, Dex thought. He liked it hard, fast, thick and long. He had the stamina to deal with them all, and a guy could always come back later for a few seconds…

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