Damien Grey and Legrand Wolf – Dr. Legrand Wolf’s Office


Damien Grey and Legrand Wolf – Dr. Legrand Wolf’s Office

Despite his size, little Damien enjoys sports, especially soccer. He’s too small to play with the boys his own age, but he manages to join in a game with some high school kids at the local park. With his good-natured enthusiasm and infectious smile, the high school kids don’t mind that Damien is a few years older. In fact, most of them don’t even know. Damien is so small that some of the boys are still bigger than him.

Occasionally, he gets beaten up. None of the boys are trying to be mean—soccer isn’t as rough as football, but it can still be a very physical game. Last Saturday, Damien took a bad fall. He actually had to leave the game, but stayed at the park to hang out with his friends. Later that afternoon, he realized he had pulled a muscle in his groin badly. He even had to ride his bike home because it hurt to ride.

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