Cole and Colton – Tape 1 – Silent Night


Tape 1 – Silent Night – Cole, His Brother Colton

Christmas is a very special holiday in my family. This year, Mom and Dad are hosting and everyone is coming over. My grandparents will be staying in my room over the holiday while they come to visit, so I was moved to my older brother Cole’s room in the meantime. Cole would be home any minute, and I suspected he might roll his eyes knowing we’d be sharing a room again.

As I was packing up my bunk bed and getting it ready for use, I saw a picture of Cole in his track uniform when he was a senior in high school. He’s four years older than me, and while I’m finishing up my senior year, he’s finishing up his bachelor’s degree. I’ve always thought Cole was so attractive in that picture. So I took a moment to lie down on the bottom bunk, take off my underwear, and close my eyes.

Suddenly, the bedroom door slowly began to open! I barely had time to cover myself with a blanket when—lo and behold—Cole himself appeared. I know I was red in the face, but I managed to keep my cool and mumbled a weak hello.

Always the kind and considerate person, Cole smiled warmly and sat down next to me on the bed. He thanked me for allowing him to have the top bunk. I remembered that Cole preferred the top bunk and figured this concession might ease the annoyance of having to share a room again.

I raised an eyebrow as Cole scooted a little closer to me and replied that he wasn’t really annoyed at all. Then, before I could respond, Cole winked and waltzed back the way he came. I didn’t know what to think, but I certainly knew my dick was still hard.

Later that night, after family dinner, I noticed that Cole had disappeared. The ‘spicy’ eggnog had certainly started to take effect among the adults and the festivities were really getting lively. I figured I’d check in and see where my brother had gone.

When I finally found Cole, he was just walking out the front door. I ran over to him and we sat together outside on the top step of the porch. I asked if he was okay—honestly, he didn’t look so great at the dinner table. Cole seemed distant and lost in deep thought.

Cole confessed that he was overwhelmed by the attention from his family in general. I couldn’t help but scoff a little. This wasn’t the Cole I knew! Plus, everyone was thrilled to see him again. I was thrilled to see him. Even now, my heart is pounding.

My brother and I spent some time chatting and discussing what we’d both done during the semester he was away. After a while, I could tell the mood had lightened a bit. Cole had smiled more in the half hour we sat together on the porch than I’d seen him smile all day.

Finally, I asked Cole if he was done wrapping the presents yet. He admitted that he hadn’t even started. So we agreed to have a little individual wrapping party later, after the celebration was over and the parents had gone to bed.

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