Blade & Kronik – O Professor Pauzudo


BiLatinMen – Blade & Kronik – O Professor Pauzudo

In a public school, studied Daniel, a 17-year-old boy who everyone said was gay. But he was very quiet and studious. He had selected friends and avoided crowds at recess. He was dark-skinned, short, he must have been about 1.60 cm tall and weighed about 60 kg. He had a really nice body, despite not working out, a well defined chest and nice thick thighs. And he kept a secret under lock and key: he was crazy about his math teacher: Wendel.

Wendel was the nerdy type. He was white and very tall at his 2 meters tall, he wore glasses that gave more charm to his slightly slanted eyes. He had a long nose that Daniel loved. He believed that the size of the nose was related to the size of the penis. He had never seen his teacher naked, but he had imagined him that way for a long time. Whenever he got home from school, Daniel would go into the bathroom and touch himself thinking about the teacher. He imagined Wendel totally naked, fucking his ass very horny.

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