BiLatinMen – Rapper & Mono


BiLatinMen – Rapper & Mono – O leke do Instagram

Instagram is the social network I use the most, it has a profile of everything that is useful. Humour, politics, travel, food and of course a lot of hot macho showing off. I get lost with the amount of hot guys and everything that is cool.

A guy started following me, I think it’s very strange, this thing of guys following without knowing, for me, he either wants to make numbers or wants to be whoring. I always go with the second option. I liked several pictures of him and he did the same on my profile.

I immediately sent the straight talk: man I liked you, roll?

Yes, I am very objective people, I think that if people were more objective we would enjoy it much more.

The guy replied, interrupting the conversation, said he thought the profile was cool, liked the photos and bla bla bla His profile had a lot of photos showing off, some photos with some girls to disguise it and others with the “brothers”.

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