Andolini & Marcoboy – Door Opening


Door Opening – Andolini & Marcoboy

Andolini spent the day at Lyon’s Place de l’Hotel de Ville working on his newest project: his website, As he was on his way to the cafeteria to take a short break, Andolini noticed a young boy sitting at a table, completely absorbed in his laptop. Andolini was immediately struck by this stranger’s good looks, his short black hair and hazel eyes. Andolini noticed the mysterious stranger’s muscular underwear, which was dressed in a tight white shirt and jeans. The young man was greeted with a smile as he approached the table. “Hello, I’m Andolini. “Are you new to the area?” asked the young man, who had just gotten up from the computer and was looking him straight in the eyes. “Yes, I am from South America. Marco is my name and I’m in this country to launch my adult products website Andolini was intrigued and amused.

Marco was also in the adult content business, so he introduced himself and they started discussing each other’s projects. Marco’s enthusiasm for the project and desire to succeed impressed Andolini. Andolini thought Marco had tremendous potential and could help him achieve his goals. With a few beers, the night flew by as Marco and Andolini chatted. Andolini enjoyed Marco’s company and thought he was funny and intelligent. Andolini arrived at Marco’s Airbnb before Marco did. The first episode centered on the apartment entrance and concluded on the workbench.

Andolini invited Marco to a meeting the next day to go over his project and see if they could work together. Andolini met Marco at a cafe near the Saone the following night. Andolini thought about how he could help Marco achieve his goals. They assessed Marco’s strengths and weaknesses and began working together on a business plan. Andolini was delighted to have the opportunity to share his knowledge with a friend, and Marco enjoyed meeting someone who shares his entrepreneurial passion. Marco did not wait for another episode to happen with Andolini after this positive experience. Marco made Andolini realize that he wanted to continue the relationship. Andolini understood that DaddyXXXL could help Marco.

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