[ADI] Maverick & Kaleb


Maverick wants to be famous. Just ask him, he will tell you. Don’t let the boyish good looks and curly blonde hair fool you. Wealth and fame are what he desires; well, that’s a hard dick in his ass!

Combining these goals brings you to Kaleb’s bed. Kaleb’s smooth brown skin and long, thick cock are exactly what Maverick had hoped to find in his first shoot.

The shirts come off quickly, showing Maverick’s lean torso and smooth, fair skin. Those tiny nipples are the perfect snack for Kaleb to nibble on. Delicate but tough, Kaleb could go to them for hours!

But they’re not Maverick’s only sore spots. Kaleb’s roving hands discovered Mav’s beautiful pink ass. And it’s also a perfect spot for Kaleb’s language to explore!

Maverick is obviously no stranger to getting rimmed. The delighted expressions on his face (and the moans escaping his mouth) are toasts that the young blond stud has been here before!

With Mav’s hole all spitting out, Kaleb lines up his cock in that sweet, sweet hole and dives in. The moans are getting louder and Maverick is getting closer.

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