Topher DiMaggio and Marc Dylan – Obsession


Obsession – Topher DiMaggio & Marc Dylan

Marc Dylan is excited about Topher Di Maggio. Marc has continually uncovered any justification for getting closer to Topher, coming up with a reason to water Topheris’s crops that have only been watered. Marc normally wouldn’t be acting like this, but Topher is just leaking with sex, causing the second Topher to appear to freeze in his tracks. Marc chose to follow Topher hoping he would have the courage to simply say hello, not to mention ask him out. He can’t look at a screen without seeing Marc and Topher, this passion irritates him. Topher, on his daytime run, sees Marc following him, Topher appears operating after Marc demands that he is being followed by Marc. Topher attracts as much as Marc immobilizes him, slamming Marc’s mind into his damp crotch, screaming reg & A¬IS THAT’S ALL YOU NEED!!!A; – this was always desired by Marc.

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