Sandriias and Khai Victor


Meninos Online – Cariocas: Sacolé – Sandriias e Khai Victor

In the gay porn series Cariocas: Sacolé by Meninos Online. Bag seller Sandriias is passing by with his sales box when Khai Victor wants a strawberry one. Tired Sandriias sits down with his new client, chats and even does a little tik tok dance where Khai says he’s a bit clumsy. The handsome black Sandriias helps him and when the young man has to leave the salesman says he’ll accompany him and when he gets there he asks for a glass of water.

And Khai says the old saying: A glass of water and a blowjob can’t be denied to anyone.

Sandriias got the message and shows the bag of chocolate he hides in his underwear and the brand new one falls out of his mouth and takes that wonderful punch from the salesman.

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