Adam Franco & Dani Robles – Defeated


Colleagues Adam Franco and Dani Robles work for a leading furniture design company that styles luxury offices and apartments. Today, an important delivery has finally arrived after many delays and Dani goes to the warehouse to make sure everything has been received and in order.

But when Dani can’t locate some of the boxes, he asks Adam for help. Adam was supposed to review the delivery receipt and confirm receipt of each item, but he confesses to Dani that he didn’t.

With expired deadlines, the client will not be satisfied with them and Dani feels defeated. Nothing seems to be going right lately. Adam apologizes and offers to help think of a good excuse to give the customer. Business has been challenging lately due to supply chain disruptions and Adam also seems very stressed.

Traditionally, when the going gets tough, the tough ones continue. But in this case, the two officemates can play in the office. Delivery is already fucked up – it can take a few minutes to fuck each other. This is a good way to overcome adversity.

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