Justin Saradon, Nate Donaghy & Jim Durden


Summer Loves – Justin Saradon, Nate Donaghy and Jim Durden

Every family has their little fights, and we joined the Summer Loves team today in the midst of one. Bastian is convinced he’s right and Nate is a better lover than Jim. Apparently it has nothing to do with size but everything to do with stamina, something sweet Bastian is saying that Jim doesn’t have but Nate does (given Nate also has a big dick we’re not sure Bastian is being totally objective here).

Fortunately, there’s an impartial judge available when Justin Saradon agrees to let the two fuck him and then deliver his conclusion!

In August comes the real test. As a result of that little fight, we decided that Bas and Jim should fuck and make up and we’ll have that here in a few months.

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