Roman & Marco Go Loco with Rocky


“Ready to be skewered?” we asked Rocky at the beginning of this one.

“Yes!” he replies.

That’s one of my favorite things about Rocky – you name it, he’s ready for it. We’ve had him in episodes with guys, girls, guys and girls, guys and guys, guys and guys and guys; whatever kind of episode he’s in, he’s ready for it, he’s looking forward to it, and he’s having fun.

Remember, who wouldn’t be having so much fun meeting up where Rocky does in this one? He’s facing Roman and Marco, two big assholes having their way with him on both ends. As much as any sane person would appreciate that, Rocky likes everything to an especially Rocky-ish degree.

Not only is Rocky enjoying being at the mercy of Roman and Marco here, but Roman and Marco are loving every bit of it! Roman immediately takes charge, and you can tell he’s taking particular pleasure in doing what he wants with Rocky. Usually more reserved and taking a little longer to let go, Marco also gets involved in all of this and everything going on around him makes him angrier than we’ve ever seen him!

You just know Rocky is going to be criticized here, and you’re absolutely right about that! You know he’s going to blow up a huge load too – and you’re absolutely right about that too!


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